Linux: Copy files owned by a user to another folder
Example To copy all files owned by root in folder rpms to say folder docker-rpms, do this – [bash] find rpms -user root -exec cp -f {} docker-rpms/ \; [/b...
Example To copy all files owned by root in folder rpms to say folder docker-rpms, do this – [bash] find rpms -user root -exec cp -f {} docker-rpms/ \; [/b...
Go to the link – Select Platform as Linux(x86/x64). Download the installer for NetBeans. From the terminal, navigat...
To install Oracle Database XE: 1. Log on to your computer with root permissions. 2. Go to the following Web site:
Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system. Linux was originally developed as a free operating system for Intel x86-based personal computers. Now its popula...
Want to urgently copy a text message from one pc to another, or have a short conversation with a peer on another pc ? here’s how – @ PC1: nc -l [por...