Databases in Android using SQLite – Part I
In this post I will show you how to integrate SQLite and Java in your Android Application. If you do not have a fair idea of SQLite, I would suggest you to take...
In this post I will show you how to integrate SQLite and Java in your Android Application. If you do not have a fair idea of SQLite, I would suggest you to take...
As you start to develop complex applications containing multiple activities and providing multiple functionality, often times you would want to store structured...
Now that we are familiar with what Shared Preferences are and how they work, its time to actually look into one of the main applications of the Shared Preferenc...
When you are into creating complex Android Applications, you will want the user to be able to customize the settings of your application according to his needs....
Often, in your Android application, you will want to incorporate photos that the user takes from his camera. Just like audio and video, it is possible and rathe...
I have already posted about the Alert Dialog and the Custom Dialog in Android. However, in this post, I will show you how to make your application fancier by ad...
We have seen how to create and use Alert Dialog. Now we will see how to create and use a general dialog. In most places you find Alert Dialog explained on after...
Don’t like the traditional way in which the Alert Dialog appears? Would you rather have a custom layout for it? Well, not a problem at all. In this post I...
In Android devices, probably the thing that we come across most frequently is Alert Dialog Boxes. If you are not familiar with an Alert Dialog Box, here’s...
Enough programming. Let’s take a break and look into one of the vital components of any Android application, the AndroidManifest.xml file. Every Android a...