Here are the steps I followed to get my dev instance of cassandra copied to a new server (both single node instances)
I’ve used medusa tool for the same. You can read more about it here
Install medusa on both source and destination cassandra-servers, by running the following commands on both –
curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/thelastpickle/medusa/setup.deb.sh' | sudo -E bash sudo apt update sudo apt-get install cassandra-medusa
Export Data from Source DB
#ssh into source server and do these mkdir ~/cassandra-bkup sudo cp /etc/medusa/medusa-example.ini /etc/medusa/medusa.ini sudo vi /etc/medusa/medusa.ini # Search for, and set these values in the ini file storage_provider = local base_path = /home/{username}/cassandra-bkup # Save and Exit medusa backup --backup-name=dev-db-data --mode=full #compress output folder tar -czf dev-db-bkup-tar ~/cassandra-bkup # SCP the backup directory to destination server scp -r -i <key-file> dev-deb-bkup-tar {dest-user}@{dest-server}:~/
Import data in Target DB
# ssh into target serer and do these tar -xzf dev-deb-bkup-tar ls ls /home/{username}/cassandra-bkup/cassandra_backups/ #note down the folder name parallel to the folder index, let it be {sourceHostLocalName} sudo /etc/hosts #add an entry with local nodes IP and host name as {sourceHostLocalName}. #You can remove this later # save /etc/hosts and Exit Vim. sudo medusa restore-node --keyspace={keyspace of intereset} --backup-name=dev-db-data
Verify Imported data
cqlsh {targetNodeIp} desc keyspaces #verify you have the source keyspace created use {keyspaceOfInterest} desc tables; #verify all your tables in the source are recreated here.
That’s it. You should now be able to work with your new Cassandra node!
Kj [/.] Sreekumar programs computers as a hobby and profession. Into programming from his school days, Sree uses Codemarvels to key in facts and fixes he finds interesting while working on different projects. Some of the articles here give away a few shades of his philosophical leanings too.