N Queens Problem (Backtracking)
Given a chess board of size n*n,the task is to find all the ways to place n queens so that they don’t attack each other. In chess, a queen can move as far...
Given a chess board of size n*n,the task is to find all the ways to place n queens so that they don’t attack each other. In chess, a queen can move as far...
The task is to find all the primes between 1 to N.Numbers are called prime if they do not have any factors other than 1 and the number itself. Brute Force- Each...
Merge Sort is an example of a divide and conquer algorithm. A Divide and Conquer algorithm solves a problem using following three steps- 1. Divide: Break the gi...
The problem is to find shortest distances between every pair of vertices in a given edge weighted directed graph. The graph is represented in the form of an adj...
We have a sequence of integers and we need the maximum sum from the continuous sub-sequences. Example- Let the sequence of integers be (3,-4,5,-7,8,-6,21,-14,-9...
Given a list of integers,our task is to find if a sub-sequence which adds to a given number exists or not. Example- The given list is (1,4,20,5,5) and the given...
This is a short note on using binary search, in continuance of my series on Algorithms. Suppose we have to find whether a particular element exists in the sorte...
To find n^k,using brute force, ALGORITHM- Initialize result to 1. Iterate from 1 to k and multiply n to result. Return result. CODE- result=1; for(i=1;i<=k;i...
In this post,I am going to tell you some tips and tricks which you should know & you can implement in your codes if required.You dont need to require long c...
Here is a sample code for inserstion sort. The basic approach is to keep a pivot up to which the list is sorted. Insert the value (initially at the pivot) at th...