Ubuntu : retain host-name change after a reboot
Problem: The newly set hostname reverts back to older one after reboot Reason : Hostname is reset by cloud-init Solution : Inactivate cloud-init. On terminal, k...
Problem: The newly set hostname reverts back to older one after reboot Reason : Hostname is reset by cloud-init Solution : Inactivate cloud-init. On terminal, k...
Hey there ! So you are a programmer, wanting to master machine learning ? You are at the right place. Lets get started. So, what exactly is machine learning ? W...
Problem: Running Cqlsh exits with the error : Fix: Set right python path KjKj [/.] Sreekumar programs computers as a hobby and profession. Into programming from...
Are you planning to bring in conversational automation using AI to make your processes more cost effective and consistent ? There are certain things I would lik...
Problem: apt-get update gives an error : [bash] W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/InRelease Temporary failure resolving ‘ar...
To debug why a container within a docker stack didn’t start, these commands will help [bash] #list all processes docker service ls #note the id of ...
Here’s how to install docker-compose on Ubuntu LTS : Open terminal and run these commands [bash] sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/rele...
Problem : On an Ubuntu VM, the Docker pulls from Gcloud private repository give the error [bash] Error response from daemon: unauthorized: You don’t have ...
Problem: Python print function not printing to display when running inside docker Reason: The python output is buffered. Solution: Run python (in the docker fi...
Problem: Setting below in application.properties, [bash] hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache=true hibernate.cache.hazelcast.use_native_client=true hibernate....