Linux intro and Basic commands

Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system. Linux was originally developed as a free operating system for Intel x86-based personal computers. Now its popular on PCs, tablets, smart phones,  and is a leading operating system on servers and other big iron systems such as mainframe computers and supercomputers.

Best Linux quotes–

“The box said ‘Required Windows 95 or better’. So, I installed LINUX.”
“A Windows user spends 1/3 of his life sleeping, 1/3 working, 1/3 waiting.”
“We all know Linux is great, it does infinite loops in 5 seconds.”
“Avoid the Gates of Hell. Use Linux.”
“..Linux really *is* the best thing since sliced bread.”
“Linux: the operating system with a CLUE, Command Line User Environment.”
“I develop for Linux for a living, I used to develop for DOS.Going from DOS to Linux is like trading a glider for an F117.”

Advantages of LINUX over Windows–

Cost– Linux is available free (as in free food) !
Security– Linux is perceived as more safe that Windows. Which means Linux does not require any anti-virus which again reduces comparative cost even further.
Open Source – With Linux technically, you have the power to control just about every aspect of the operating system.
Software on Linux tends to be packed with more features and greater usability than software on Windows.

Although Linux is as user friendly and intuitive to use as Windows, it will help programmers if they know the basic Linux commands.

This blog lists all those commands for LINUX based FILE system that a beginner should know. These are the basic commands which are generally asked on Linux usage in the interviews too.

1. pwd – To view the present working directory.
2. mkdir directory_name – To create a new directory in the present working directory.
3. cd – To change working directory. Example- cd /home/new/help
4. ls -l -To list the files as well as directories present in the particular working directory.
5. ls -la – It lists the hidden files or directories as well.
6. touch file_name.ext – To create a new file with a name and extension.Extension is not necessary.
7. cat file_name – To view the contents of the file.
8. vi file_name – To insert data in the file.After entering this command,press I and then type the data you want to enter.To quit,command is ‘ :wq ‘.
9. rm file_name – To remove an empty file.
10. rmdir directory_name – To remove an empty directory.
11. rmdir -r directory_name – To remove a directory which contains subdirectories or files.’r’ stands for recursion.
12. clear – To clear the screen.Shortcut is Ctrl+L.
13. useradd user_name – To add a new user.
14. passwd user_name– To change the existing password of a user.
15. groupadd group_name – To add a new group. Many users form a single group.
16. userdel user_name – To delete a user.
17. groupdel group_name -To delete a group.
18. cp source_path destination_path– To copy something in a file or directory.Example of source path or destination path – /home/mango/abcd.txt
19. mv source_path destination_path – To move something in a file or directory.
20. su – user_name – To switch from one user to another user.

MASTER command—

command_name info – To view the information about any command.Example: mkdir info

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