Activate back lighting of LIVE TECH gaming keyboard on Ubuntu
To enable the back light LEDs of the Live Tech keyboard in Ubuntu follow these steps This should light up the LEDs in the Keyboard. Link Keyboard Lighting Scrip...
To enable the back light LEDs of the Live Tech keyboard in Ubuntu follow these steps This should light up the LEDs in the Keyboard. Link Keyboard Lighting Scrip...
I had recently upgraded my laptop from Ubuntu 20.04 from 22.04. Once restarted after the upgrade, my laptop just wouldn’t connect to any network (LAN/Wifi...
Problem: After installing chromadb, when we try to start it using the command Its give this error: Fix: Start the chromadb. Should work now. KjKj [/.] Sreekumar...
On Xcode, clean build folder build run on device or simulator KjKj [/.] Sreekumar programs computers as a hobby and profession. Into programming from his school...
Run this command, (assuming the format and mounting was done correctly). KjKj [/.] Sreekumar programs computers as a hobby and profession. Into programming from...
Yes, a component that does the job well. Code below, customise for your use case. Note: It does not use the “cordova-plugin-qrscanner” which is brok...
Problem: The Cordova App when run on Android give a Connection refused error on https://localhost/* URLs. Fix: Follow these steps: Edit package.json Set homepag...
Install Cordova Create a Cordova project Open package.json of the existing ReactJS App.Copy the sections – scripts, dependencies, browserList from the abo...
Here are the steps you can follow to upgrade NodeJS on an Ubuntu system. KjKj [/.] Sreekumar programs computers as a hobby and profession. Into programming from...
I had recently lost my domain; the warning emails from my domain provider was reaching a currently unused inbox, and thus had to spawn up the sa...